September 6th 2016
WordPress is great. I recommend it for almost everything. That being said, I love to play with new things. I had heard of Jekyll, a static site generator, and its integration with GitHub Pages, and thought I’d try it out.
Jekyll is a static site generator written in Ruby. Where as with WordPress, all content is stored in a database and retrieved when it is needed to build the currently requested page, Jekyll skips the database and all pages are pre-compiled and ready to serve. This provides a number of benefits.
So far my experience with jekyll has been pleasant. My first ‘job’ was creating a theme. I had built two WordPress themes before Mine and Pummel. Compared to WordPress themes, I found Jekyll theming to be more straight forward.
Another challenge was the lack of comments. This was easily solved by using Disqus.
The site is still a work in progress.
I know that there are plugins to enable some of these features, but GitHub Pages restricts the use of all but a few plugins, and I can’t bring myself to pass on the free hosting! :smile: