Drink Counter, Stats, and Quotes

Drink Counter Banner

Now with Apple Watch Support! - 08/17/2021

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Drink Counter screenshot
Drink Counter screenshot
Drink Counter screenshot

My latest app is, Drink Counter! A delightful app for tracking the number and timing of your drinks.

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Drink Counter screenshot

Grab a drink and add it to the count. Watch as the containers fill and get larger. Enjoy a nice quote, or if they’re going down smooth, maybe see a warning on how fast you’re drinking.

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Drink Counter screenshot

After setting up your details in settings, estimating your BAC is just a click away.

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Drink Counter screenshot

Check your stats! This could be handy when trying to figure out why you feel so badly in the morning!

Browse a great selection of quotes, for drinking inspiration!

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Drink Counter screenshot

Available for Android and iOS.

Let me know what you think, or if you have any suggestions or quotes that should be added.

I'm Brandon Lehr, your friendly, neighborhood developer

✱ May or may not be friendly, most likely not your neighbor